A Partial List of Growing CapFast Customers
as of June 2001
Aerospace Avionics | Allen-Bradley |
Aero Systems Engineering, Inc. | ALPS Electric Company, Ltd. |
Allied Signal Aerospce Company | Argonne National Labs |
Analogy, Inc. | Aura, Inc. |
Arthur D. Little | Astrophysics Institute |
Ball Aerospace | Beckman Instruments |
Beijing University (China) | Berkeley Camera Engineering |
Bessy -Germany | Biomarine, Inc. |
Boeing Company | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Calspan | Caterpillar, Inc. |
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory | CEBAF - Southeastern University |
CERN - Switzerland | CETIA - France |
China Aerospace Corporation | Cirrus Logic, Inc. |
Computing Device International, Inc. | Continuing Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) |
Cooper Union University | Creative Control Technologies |
Crown International | Cypress |
Darebury Laboratory (UK) | Dictaphone Voice Technology Center |
Digital Devices | Duke University |
ETRI - Korea | Engineering Design Team (EDT) |
Fluid Air | Ford Motors |
Gemini 8-M Telescope | |
Hughes Aircraft, Inc. | |
ILC Data Devices | Instituto de Astrofisica de Canaries - Spain |
Information Science Institute | Innovative Technology Corporation |
Intergraph Corp. | Interstate Electronics |
Intel | Intermetrics Corp. |
InnovASIC | Irvine Sensors |
Japan Atomic Energy Research Center | Jefferson Lab |
Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) | Joint Astronomy Center |
Kennedy Space Center | KEKB Research Center - Japan |
Lawrence Livermore Lab (LLL) | Loral Electro-Optical Systems |
LG Electronics - Korea | Los Alamos National Laboratories |
Lorain Products | Loral Aerospace |
Max-Plank-Institut fuer Extraterrestrisch - Germany | Max-Plank-Institut fuer Astronomie - Germany |
Material Research Corp. | Mitsubishi Electric Corp. - Japan |
MCNC - Research Triangle Institute | MIT Space Science Center |
Maytag | Motorola |
Mayo Foundation | Moore Research Center |
NASA - Langley Research Center | National Research Council (Canada) |
Naval Avionis CenterMulti-Access Company | Naval Research Laboratory |
Naval Surface Warfare Center | Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station |
Oak Ridge National Laboratories | Observatory Sciences Ltd. (UK) |
Pacific Missile Test Center | Panacea Medical Systems |
Paramax Systems Corp. | Paul Scherrer Institute - Switzerland |
Philips Consumer Electronics | Picker International |
Pyrotech International | |
Quadic Systems, Inc. | |
Radar Systems Corp. | Rockwell International |
Royal Greenwich Observatory | Rogers Instruments |
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) | |
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (Korea) | Sharp Electronics - Japan |
Slope Indicator | South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA) |
Smith Industries | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Center (China) |
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) | Symbol Technologies |
Taurus Technologies, Inc. | Triumf - Canada |
UNISYS | United States Navy |
United Technology Research Center | United States Army - Labcom |
University of Hawaii | University of California - Berkeley |
US Army - Redstone | |
Vitro Corp. | Volex |